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High Holy Days Reserved Seating & Parking 5785

Temple Emunah members who are in good standing, and their children (under the age of 25) are entitled to general seating as a part of their membership. 

If you wish to reserve a number of seat(s) and/or parking space(s) for the High Holy Days, we ask that you fill out the form below.

Reserved seats

Pricing for reserved seats is:
  • $180 each for member
  • $250 each for any additional guest 

Please note: Depending upon the number of requests, the seating setup this year may be different from previous years; you can share your preferences with us and we will try to accommodate your requests, but we cannot guarantee it!

Please click on the plus sign below to insert your guest(s) name(s).
Reserved Parking Spaces

You may reserve a parking space for ALL High Holy Day services for $375. The maximum is 2 parking spaces per household, per service. 

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784